6 Things You Might Wish You Knew Before Moving To Australia
6 Things You Might Wish You Knew Before Moving To Australia
Moving to a new country can be quite a challenge. You might think you’ve got it all figured out, thanks to what you’ve heard from others, seen on TV, or learned from previous visits. However, it’s only when you make the move that you start to understand the ins and outs of your new home. Still, even though you can’t be fully prepared, it’s crucial to do your best to get ready, as there will always be things you wish you’d known beforehand.
Money, money, money
Saving money before your trip is essential for a successful and less stressful experience. Moving to Australia likely already required a substantial investment, but there will always be additional expenses upon arrival. Therefore, it’s crucial to save as much as possible before your journey, as it may take some time to regain your financial stability once you’ve arrived.
Stay on the left
Ideally, you’re accustomed to driving on the left. If not, adapting to this change will require some time. Start by taking it slow, practice in quiet areas, and refrain from embarking on lengthy drives until you feel completely at ease. Rest assured; it won’t be long before it becomes second nature to you.
Don’t jaywalk
In Australia, jaywalking is a legal offence. Yes, it means you can’t just casually cross the road wherever you like. The fines for jaywalking can range from $50 to $200, depending on your location in Australia. While you might think you can sneak by without consequences, it’s simply not worth the risk. The rules are straightforward: stick to designated pedestrian crossings, like zebra or pelican crossings. And in case you’re wondering, a pelican crossing is equipped with lights and a button that you need to press to cross when the light turns green. On the other hand, a zebra crossing lacks lights and buttons, with pedestrians having the right of way when crossing.
Be careful of the magpies
In Australia, everyone is familiar with the magpie situation. For about six weeks during spring, they seem to have it out for you – and we’re not joking. It’s during this period that most magpies are fiercely protective of their offspring, which makes them exceptionally aggressive toward humans who venture into their territory. Unfortunately, they often frequent the popular suburban areas where you go for your morning walk or bike ride. So, if you happen to spot a cyclist wearing a helmet adorned with spiky cable ties, it’s just a clever way to deter these swooping birds from catching you off guard.
Be prepared for the hot… and the cold
Yes, it can get quite cold in Australia. It’s important to keep in mind that Australia is vast, and some regions are notorious for their chilly winters. So, make sure to thoroughly research the specific area you’re relocating to, so you’re well-prepared for the local climate.
However, it’s understandable why you might assume Australia is predominantly hot, as, in most parts, you’ll encounter a fair share of heat. Remember to stay well-hydrated and safeguard yourself from the strong midday sun.
Aussies are funny
A sense of humour is rife in Australia. Be prepared for a lot of laughing, a great deal of self-depreciation jokes, and some good ol’ fashioned banter that’s often not for the faint-hearted. Most Australians don’t take themselves too seriously, so familiarise yourself with the lingo and join in the fun.
The Experts on Allied Health Jobs Australia
We offer a comprehensive solution that covers every aspect of relocating and working abroad, including selecting the right place to live, securing employment, and navigating the necessary migration approvals. At Allied Health Jobs Australia, we specialise in allied health and take pride in our ability to provide services beyond just the migration process or job placement.
As our client, you can expect our support even after your visa has been approved. With a 100% success rate, we are deeply committed to your journey to Australia. As a qualified allied health professional, your skills are highly sought after in Australia.
If you have ever considered the possibility of living and working in Australia, now is the time to take action. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your options.